
I'm Kim, a working mother of two, and wife to my best friend.

My kids make me laugh, my kids make me cry, and they even make me want to hide.

Come along and enjoy our journey. I guarantee you'll have a blast.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Name Calling

My kids are currently obsessed with Good Luck Charlie.  Have you seen it?  If not, put it on your to do list quick.  It's a great Disney family show that has adorable life lessons within.  And surprisingly enough, I find myself laughing often.

Over the weekend the episode touched on how to deal with your family when they embarrass you.  One of the main characters was having a hard time with this and trying desperately to be someone she wasn't.  In the end she learned to embrace her family and accept them for who they were.

When we asked Morgan what she thought about her family, I was surprised by her brutal honesty. 

"Logan is a sweaty oaf clown."

"Daddy is the director."  (I'm dying to know how much he paid her to get this title)

"And Mommy is a ballerina."  (I always did think I was quite the graceful one.)

How would you describe your family?

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