
I'm Kim, a working mother of two, and wife to my best friend.

My kids make me laugh, my kids make me cry, and they even make me want to hide.

Come along and enjoy our journey. I guarantee you'll have a blast.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bad Doggie Tuesdays

I've decided to dedicate a portion of this blog to Crosley.  He is one of my kids after all.  For now we'll call them "Bad Doggie Tuesday's".  Now now, calm down.  He does have some good moments but at the moment they are limited.  Some day I really hope to call these "Good Doggie Tuesday's."  I hope and I pray.  Dear readers, how about you hope and pray with me.  It may help.

I know I've introduced Crosley on this blog before and I've showed you some adorable pictures of him.  So for our first feature, let me tell you a little more about him.

Crosley is a Goldendoodle - part Poodle, part Golden Retriever.  For those of you who are dying to know his papa was the Poodle and his mama was the Golden Retriever. 

He is 1.5 years old.

His hair is very curly and a gorgeous white color - he gets this from his papa.

He weighs 90 pounds and is very tall.

He eats like a pig.  He even sneaks into his food container.  (Yes, he can lift the lid with his head and sneak the food out.  Here is a picture to prove it.)

He does not shed.  (OK maybe a teeny tiny bit, but I have a Golden Retriever as well and trust me, this dog does not shed.)

He poops in the middle of the driveway because a 1/2 acre of grass is not nearly enough.

He pees on my ornamental grasses and they are all dying.

He sits on your lap because he thinks he's a lap dog.

He loves when you sing Happy Birthday to him.  He sings along.  So we sing this often in my house.

He has a plastic bone that he treats like gold.  All other toys forget about it - they are doomed.

He is not invited to play in the neighbors yard anymore because he dug up all their newly planted trees. 

He is very hyper. On a scale of 1-10 he is a 30.  The vet says so and I believe her. 

He has chewed up 3 pieces of furniture, lots of socks, 5 pairs of shoes, and a pair of drapes.

He is a gorgeous, sweet, annoying, hair pulling aggravating dog that we love.  I think.  We are definitely trying our best.  But he is part of our family.  For better or worse.

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