
I'm Kim, a working mother of two, and wife to my best friend.

My kids make me laugh, my kids make me cry, and they even make me want to hide.

Come along and enjoy our journey. I guarantee you'll have a blast.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nature Walk

Our family enjoyed a nature walk last fall. It was one of those lazy Sunday activities that you cherish. The kids had their binoculars, a list of items to be on the look out for and a packed lunch. As we are walking through the woods enjoying the scenery, the kids grew more and more quiet. Especially Morgan. I quietly pat myself on the back. Look at what I'm teaching my kids today. You are such a good mom.

I assume the serious look on Morgan's face is due to her enjoying the scenery and soaking up the sunshine.

I anxiously catch up to her and can hardly wait to see what she has found, and then she says it.

Mommy, I have to poop.

At least we had 20 good minutes. We'll try again in the Spring.

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