
I'm Kim, a working mother of two, and wife to my best friend.

My kids make me laugh, my kids make me cry, and they even make me want to hide.

Come along and enjoy our journey. I guarantee you'll have a blast.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Sharing A Meal With Your Children

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend...we sure did. My daughter had a special treat with her daddy this weekend...lunch together, just the two of them. Morgan gets so excited to get this special attention, that I had to ask her all about it when she got home.
How was lunch with daddy Morgan?
Good. I love daddy.
I know you do, so did you and daddy bond on this special lunch?
No, we didn't sit in the same seat.
This made me see, we usually request a booth, and apparently since they didn't sit on the same side of the booth, they didn't bond! Amazing what a five year old thinks it takes to bond.
We are definitely not the kind of couple to sit on the same side of the table when we about you? Are you same side of the booth sitters?

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